ALOHA from Sandrina
„bless the present & expect the best

I Loooooooove my fretless bass

now it’s that time again…The “old” year has ended and the „new“ year has begun. It is always exciting to look back over the past year(s) and to let everything pass again consciously in review.

To be able to write this annual review, I looked at all my mobile-
photos, Facebook postings and my calendar 2021 and realized
how many incredibly beautiful moments I was allowed to experience

It is so good for the soul to bathe in beautiful memories and to enjoy them. These highlights, insights and inspirations, I would now like to share with you and encourage you to also make a review.

In the near future I will write in this blog about this blog different topics from all areas of the artist’s life, and I will also pass on many inspirations. now here we go…..with my review…

Contents of the review

1. power through positive retrospection
Joie de vivre in reliving beautiful experiences
2. creativity & flexibility in times of crisis
generating new ideas with an agile mind
3. colours & painting
Transformation by expressing inner pictures

4. caution – I am cooking now
The art of loving nourishment
5. The magic of 5 rhythms dance
Grounding the mind through dance
6. business
I thought I didn’t do anything, until I wrote it down….
7. curiosity & thirst for knowledge
continuing education keeps you young
8. sound of sedona records
artists & releases on my label
9. free time
there was still something …..
10. development
Sandrina 5.0 – why updates are jerky
11. plans
what I plan to do in 2022

1. Power through positive retrospection

Joie de vivre“ in reliving beautiful experiences

How I love to browse through the past….. apart from a few energy-sapping love dramas and mourning over friends who have passed away, every retrospective is always very gratifying for me. It is pure joy to „re-live“ everything again when looking at it. A great sense of gratitude fills my heart. In this case, Facebook is quite practical, as it is almost like a diary. If you’re smart, you ONLY post happy things, because then you can enjoy bathing in the good memories, when you look back. Remembering negative stuff, doesn’t do any good for me, because it engraves again the old pain anew on your mental „hard drive“ and that’s certainly not helpful. But you can’t remember the pleasures often enough.

When I look back, I don’t just see the experiences of the last year, but also reviews of previous years. Therefore, this review also includes some memories of the past years. I’m sticking to the memories that Facebook happened to pick up on.

For example, I was reminded of my tours with artists like Paul Young and an extraordinary concert in the middle of the desert in Israel. Singing those beautiful songs on stage with incredible Paul Young, and also dancing with him, was just as much fun as our Italian cooking evening. In the picture he is checking if I am doing everything right. In this case, grating the parmesan,…a task, that even I can manage somehow. We cooked for the whole crew. It was Christmas and we were touring in Sweden and our agent got a big penthouse especially for our dinner ……unforgettable.

What I especially loved was my solo part in the song „Come back & stay“. You can listen to it here. Vocalise Solo Sandrina

on tour with Paul Young in Israel and cooking & dancing in sweden

And then there was the big orchestra tour with Albert Hammond. Absolutely new territory for me. I had to learn that a conductor always conducts before the beat. That drove me crazy at first and I couldn’t even look at him. But being the choir director, I also had to communicate with the conductor and it was pretty obvious: we don’t speak the same language. He spoke in „illustrious bar numbers“ and I spoke in „verses, bridge and chorus“.

When Albert wanted to change a chord, it took the orchestra 15 minutes and caused a lot of confusion…Interesting…and when there was an their eating break, we all had to do a break and when their working hours were finished, the rehearsal was finished, even if we had not run through all the songs. No Rock ’n’ Roll….but this wonderful sound of such an orchestra moves you so deeply in your heart, that you can hardly describe it with words. You have to be right in the middle of it: on stage. Pure goose bumps. I really love to bath in these analog soundwaves

on tour with Albert Hammond & Orchestra

I was also reminded of the years when I was on tour with David Hasselhoff. (The rehearsals were in Los Angeles and I was freaking out with excitement, because I had never been to America before). Countless intense experiences followed. It was my second international tour and it was huge, with lots of trucks and a big team. I loved the touring life and between the tour breaks, there was just a big airhole where I was greedily waiting to be „on the road“ again.

on worldtour with David Hasselhoff – above the forbidden kiss 🙂

My very first touring experience was with Lisa Fitz and her show „Ladyboss“ with a rock band, where I also met Ali Kahn. Lisa was the trigger for me, to throw everything I had planned for „Number Safe“ overboard, and to only make music. Nothing has changed since then and I am grateful to her and very happy about it. We have had a wonderful friendship for many years and both our artist families were already friends years before. We met this year at one of her great shows to have a giant chat to keep up with our latest news.

A precious friendship since many years – Lisa & Sandrina

I also have wonderful friendship with Ali Khan for just as long. I had great fun playing keyboards in his bands, sometimes drums (together with the master of drums) and above all of course I sang , and we both have stirred up a few concert halls. We have given countless concerts, experienced a lot together and were often there for each other, even when there were harder times. Ali does unique radio and TV shows (just different from the others) and I was invited many times as a talk guest in his show and the show this year was extraspecial. it was a wonderful funny and very appreciative interview. Friendship rules.

Sandrina at Ali`s TV Show for a talk – Friendship rules

This was a very special concert in UK, on a boat on the river Thames, with Nick van Eede from Cutting Crew. It was the record presentation of his new album and it was a great honour that I was invited as a duet partner. For several years we were also on tour together with the „Voices Allstars Project“.

I am very proud to mention, that I had the chance to work on a song together with Nick. Over the years he became a true friend, that helped me many times to stabilise my soul while I lived in Uk. His appreciation of my musical work and my compositions, uplifted me and gave me loads of energy for my productions and in the end for my concept album
„Songs for the Y-lien . A fairytale about love“

Duett with Nick van Eede (Cutting Crew) singing „been in love before“ on the river Thames
in the studio & on tour with Nick van Eede (Cutting Crew)

Unforgettable also the duet with Bobby Kimball (Toto) on the song „Africa“ and also all the other countless shows with artists from the eighties, which I listened to as a teenager….. Who would have ever thought that I would later be on stage with my heroes?

Duett with Bobby Kimball singing „Africa“

My time in Hawaii was also among the memories. There I enjoyed volcano and lava watching and often sang to the whales by the sea. I could sit by the volcano for hours and watch it steam and bubble and I could sing for the sea for hours too….just like that, even without an audience…just for me and mother nature. Of course, big concerts with a lot of audience are also wonderful and I wouldn’t want to miss them in the long run.

Lavawatching – singing for the whales in HAWAII

The memories of the 6 years I spent in England blossomed again through the photos. As well as the great training in „Art & Science of sound recording“ at Abbey Road Studio with the master Alan Parsons, the productions at Peter Gabriel’s Realworldstudio, which I dreamed of, since I was a child, and the masterclass in songwriting with David Gilmour. All incredible things that suddenly came true. I even finished in the UK Indiecharts with 3 of my songs. It’s only Indie, but still….. Who wants to be in the normal charts anyway? ….hmm….well…

Peter Gabriel`s Realworldstudios – Abbey Road Alan Parsons – David Gilmour

Then the Eurovision Grand Prix came up again, where I performed as a soloist many, many years ago (I was young and needed the money…haha). The last time I performed there, was 7 years ago in Copenhagen for San Marino as a background singer. It’s always a huge spectacle with so many nationalities,…simply an experience. It’s especially funny when about 50 people warm up at the same time in the brightly sounding booths.

Grand Prix artist 1991 for Germany (2nd in the preselection), Keyboardist 1994 in Ireland – Backing-vocalist 2014 for SAN MARINO in Danmark

A life-changing event was the bass camp „Nature, music & spirituality“ with no lesser than Victor Wooten, who teaches this course in his nature-seminar-centre in the middle of the Nashville woods. There I got a completely new perspective on music. I have been integrating his holistic spiritual approaches into my own teaching since years and have further developed the „magic of singing“ workshops especially for singers. He is such an inspiration!

Wootenwoods with Victor Wooten and his brothers – Nature, Bass & Spirituality. A lifechanging experience

Also unique were the concerts with Leslie Madoki’s Soulmates, where I was on stage with legends like Mike Stern, Randy Brecker, Klaus Doldinger , John Helliwell, (Supertramp) and so many more. Mandoki is a visionaire who consistently brings all his dreams into reality.

MANDOKI`S Soulmates: K. Doldinger – Bobby Kimball – Mark Hart – Bill Evans – Mike Stern – Till Brönner – Chris Thompson – Nick Eede – Randy Brecker

My heart was also filled with the countless workshops and lectures in Germany, Poland, England and Malta,….which I was invited to teach….. alongside with international colleagues such as Melissa Cross, Mark Baxter and Joshua Alamu. As a Workshop-organiser I was working with Roger Treece and Juan Garcia Herrero. (Snowowl)

Melissa Cross, Mark Baxter, Roger Treece, Joshua Alamu
I did a very big circle improvisation in Poland after my lecture

Fortunately, all 3 of my workshops could take place. In June „Songwriting“ and the „Vocalcoaching & Alexander Technique“ Weekend in Bayrischzell, and the Summer Week Vocalcoaching & Alexander Technique in Italy. For my workshop-informations look at

I have incredibly fond memories of the many years of magical concerts with my dear friend Marianne Sägebrecht. Marianne reads from her books and I sing, together with Charles Leimer, my faithful and wonderful pianist of many years. After a performance I was even allowed to sign the golden book of the town of Mering, together with Marianne. what an honour. Marianne is my great role model for lived truthfulness and I feel overly blessed to have her in my life. I wish that we will have many more wonderful shows and projects together.

Marianne & Sandrina – many wonderful shows and precious friendship
below writing in the golden book of Mering

My favourite memories are the many harmonious pictures of me and my father and the precious time we spend together with many interesting conversations. Looking back at my childhood, youth and any time in the past, I can look back on countless wonderful memories in connection with my father. An unbelievable wealth of happiness.

my beloved Father and me

So I look at my photos and videos of the moments I have experienced with joy and satisfaction. Karl Valentin said: A photo is like a flat piece of sandwich with a spread of the past. This „past spread“ delights the soul and makes you realise once again how blessed you are. Maybe you also wanna also stroll around with pleasure in your beautiful memories ?

2. Creativity & flexibility in times of crises

generating new ideas with an agile mind

As we all know, it hasn’t been easy for artists for quite some time and still it IS quite uneasy. But one thing was clear to me even before: as soon as something changes, or it becomes foreseeable, that something will no longer go as well as before, you have to rethink very quickly. For me, it is then helpful to take a lot of time to think and brainstorm, in nature and in beautiful inspiring places.

My absolute insider tip is to introduce the Italian aperitivo culture. That means taking time as often as possible to watch the sunset, with a little aperitivo and some stuzzichini to snack on. And then I let my thoughts fly in all directions, like wild horses let off the leash. I let them run so freely that they also get into areas in which one has perhaps otherwise been a little less active, or which are uncharted territory. The main thing is to stick to your talents and to what makes your heart leap for joy.

Aaccording to Hawaiian tradition, it is also very inspiring, to see as many sunrises as possible, but I leave that to the early risers. Sometimes, however, I work so late that I’m still awake when the sun rises.

inspiring Sunsets from my rooftop – solstice ritual in the forest inspiring fire with friends
Aperitivo and sunset in nice environment helps creating new ideas
Sandrina`s selfmade

But there are truly countless ideas if you just think long enough. Of course, like many of my colleagues, I did some online concerts first, and they were great and an interesting replacement . All 3 concerts can still be seen on youtube.

What I found particularly fascinating was the silence … no rustling, clearing of throats, clattering of glasses, coughing, whispering, just silence … and then no applause at the end … the music is allowed to linger. An almost sacred atmosphere. I find it very healing to learn to make art not just for the applause, but for your own joy in it. It is also a joy to share one’s talent without expectations.

Breakfast with Babooshka – A tribute to Kate Bush & Supertramp

Compilation of liveshow at MCM Munich – KATE BUSH TRIBUTE

The Band „Breakfast with Babooshka“ – A Tribute to Kate Bush & Supertramp
Rehearsal and preparing the streaming

The Watersongs – songs , poetry and stories about love & passion

notte italiana – italian Songpearls and english Poetry

My soloshows „Treasurebox“ and „Italien night“ as streaming
music, poetry and stories

In fact, one of my favourite exercises at workshops is to have people perform something and then let them endure the silence without falling into the thoughts of wondering if it was good enough. You just have to be convinced of what you are doing. The applause is just a wonderful extra, but you shouldn’t depend on it.

Anyway, I suddenly started doing other things as well, like my online creative writing courses. In the meantime, I have now done 98 of these courses and earned a part of my income through them. In the following chapters I also describe some new things that came to me and quite unexpectedly suddenly became a serious field of activity. I published a book for the best works of my creative-writing participants. This was also new territory and not easy, as I had never done a book layout or a book cover myself. But I did it and now I’m working on my two books, one of which is almost finished. All new tasks that give me a lot of pleasure.

creative writing online and our first book

3. colours & painting

Transformation by expressing inner images

Through music and writing songs you can express and transform many things, but what was new for me…also with colours and with painting you can express yourself wonderfully and transform emotions. I thought my whole life, that if there was one talent I was guaranteed not to have, it was painting. At school I suffered terribly in painting lessons and preferably handed in either a white paper or a completely black painted one. But at the beginning of the crisis, I simply signed up for online painting courses and conjured up my first passable pictures.
I never thought I could do that.
Then came a little excursion into the acrylic pouring technique and after that I luckily met a fantastic artist: Marcela Krecova, who offers highly qualified painting courses at weekends in her studio in Schwabing.


Ausstellung Marcela Krecova – proclaiming the good news

I attended these courses regularly and learned a lot. Among other things, I learned that there are many parallels between the creation of a song and the creation of a painting. And there are also parallels in the arrangement, i.e. the choice of colour is analogous to the choice of musical sound, and what you use to put the colour on the paper is analogous to the choice of instruments.

And so some pictures came into being, that moved and transformed a lot. For example, there are the pictures „my healing heart“ and „my protected heart“ with which I processed a relationship crash landing. This was followed by an underwater self-portrait „Cornucopia & Honu“ and another picture of a volcano with hot lava flowing into the sea entitled „Conflict creating new land“.

My absolute favourite oversized painting is of the goddess Kali. The title is: „KALI leaving the swomps of narciss“ with which I have finally „painted my way out“ of my relationship and „painted my way free“. At the moment I am working on a painting which will be called „reconnecting with the source“. A blue elephant ridden by a red-haired girl with an electric guitar 🙂 I got the idea when I texted my painting teacher Marcela that I didn’t know how to get home from Italy, because I didn’t have my car here. She said she would pick me up if necessary, so that I wouldn’t have to ride through the desert on an elephant with flowing hair and an electric guitar in my hand. In the meantime, I have even sold paintings and will offer some of my paintings for sale on my artist homepage….. who would have thought that?

my healing heart – Kali leaving the swops of narciss, Cornucopia & Honu and…creating new land

4. caution – I am cooking now

the art of loving nourishment

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m not really gifted at cooking. (apart from the pestos and soups and anything that can be pureed in a blender). The saying „I kiss better than I cook“ is still true, but during this exceptional time, I started ordering „Hello Fresh“. You get all the ingredients delivered and then you have to cook according to the recipe. That was convenient, because the most annoying thing about cooking is, that you never have everything at home that’s in the recipes. And cooking according to a recipe is also one of those things, ….cooking by the book – like painting by numbers, ….not so favourable for an inventive freethinker…so up to now I had more „intuited“ how to cook, which (in this field, in which I am completely ignorant) did not lead to particularly good results.

But through „Hello Fresh“ I learned quite a lot and most of it turned out really well and I was gripped by cooking mania. Reassuringly, this had subsided somewhat after 3 months. So I had really nice presentable food pictures and shot videos of every cooking process. I wanted to make a series out of it, but then I thought that would surely upset all the fans who love my bad cooking photos or videos so much … Conclusion: I COOK NOW (from time to time) and you can even eat it (well not always, ….but more and more often) and what I can do really very well: Arrange the food in a visually wonderful way. That’s where I get very creative again.

But what’s it all about? I’ve learned that it’s important to prepare food lovingly for yourself, even if you only do it for yourself (you make more effort for guests anyway). But it’s really about making a lot of effort for yourself and lovingly nourishing yourself. And also decorating it beautifully with lots of love. I can really feel that this does me good on all levels.

in the end at least it always looks very good

5.The magic of 5 Rhythms dance

Grounding the restless spirit through dance

I have been interested in 5 Rhythm dancing, according to Gabrielle Roth, since 2020, but it was only when I got a gig for a 5 Rhythm dancing show at the Yogaconference this year, that I really got into it. A huge barrel opened up, that totally captivated me. Together with the YIN-YOGA master Tanja Seehofer and the multi-instrumentalist and producer Yann Kuhlmann „Djaya“, we presented the 5-Rhythm-Ekstatic-Dance-Liveshow at the Yogaconference in Munich. After Tanja`s YIN-YOGA-Session, with DJ Flo Wöhler, we presented the 5-Rhythm-Ekstatic-Dance-Liveshow . The 5 Rhythm Dancing is now also part of my new extended activities, which I will continue to offer in the future.

Also the daily yoga practice, combined with exercises from Qi-Gong, has now found its way back into my life on a regular basis. This has made me aware again of how important physical movement is for mental and spiritual balance.

Tanja Seehofer and Yann Kuhlmann „DJAYA“ and the 5 Rhythm Ekstatic dance with Yann and DJ Flo

This year I picked up again on my passion for taking long walks in nature. With my friend Katrina Günther, an excellent alternative practitioner, I had already done the German Way of St. James as far as Wessobrunn in 2020 and we also walked a lot in 2021 and the rest of the Way of St.James will be continued again from spring.

the german camino (jaakobsweg) with Katrina

6. Business

I thought I didn`t do anything, until I wrote it down…

Do you know this? ….Some days it feels as if you haven’t achieved anything, but as soon as you sit down and write everything down in retrospect, you are often amazed at how much you have achieved. I tell myself more and more often: I don’t have to „accomplish“ anything and by letting go of the eternal result-oriented thinking and acting, many things suddenly come about quite effortlessly, as if by magic.

Therefore my tip: not only when reviewing the year, but also every day before you go to sleep: write down everything you have done…. there is always much more than you thought.
In 2011 I completed a very big project: my new homepage for my academy.

Now in 2022 it’s time for my artist page. There is a lot to do 🙂

I love lists….for everything….
II love my DONE-LIST before going to sleep.
27 pages, all done by myself…that almost took half year….

7. curiosity and thirst for knowledge

continuing education keeps you young

Are you also so tireless excited when it comes to learning something new? There is very little that doesn’t interest me. That often makes it hard to choose 🙂 This year I have been very dedicated to the bass and have been practising a lot. I was inspired by a 9 year old girl,
Ellen Alaverdyn, who has been practising since she was very little.

Now at 9 years old she can play really well and all the great bass players already know her. She already gets to play with great musicians and is endorsed and featured by many bass companies. I don’t plan a bass-career, but I use it for my looping shows, and in my studio I can replace some of the synth basslines by a real bass.

I mean bass is the most magic instrument I can think of. And while I play and feel the low frequency vibration, I have a strong conviction that this is somehow healing and helps me tuning in into something higher.

Ellen Alaverdyan – my biggest inspiration this year

Fortunately, this year I had the possibility to participate in Victor Wooten`s workshops online. This further training was again more than just enlightening. Not only musically, but all-embracing. I was also able to learn new things from other great musicians he invited………… like bass legend Ron Carter, Chicago-bassist &singer Jason Scheff, David Welsh, Steve Bailey.
simply great…. again and again.

intense 5-days-Online-Workshop with Victor Wooten and many other fantastic musicians like Ron Carter, Steve Baily, David Welsh, Jason Scheff, Joseph Wooten, …..brilliant!

My weekly course „SONGWRITING“ also has a slightly different concept this year. New in the team this time, is composer and producer Yann Kuhlmann. The focus is now even more on the intuitive and holistic way of composing.

Songwriting in June 2022. an intuitive way of Songcrafting

I did an online acting workshop with the fantastic performance group PUNCHDRUNK from England. Punchdrunk creates whole worlds of their own, in halls where the audience can then walk through and be fully involved into the play. It’s incredible. They also build whole worlds for children in schools, which then leads the children to creative writing. Wonderful.

PUNCHDRUNK Immersive Theatre

The last few years I have been able to teach and lecture at the Singing Teachers Conference in Poland, but this year it was all online. I was there this time just as an invited guest to listen to the colleagues, when I was unexpectedly asked to give a mini-lecture on tinnitus and its relief, as I have some experience and results in this field….. and from one second to the next I started without any preparation (conscious, that everything will also be recorded and sent) and it was a lot of fun, because it always makes me so happy when things come up and become good without any preparation.

international scientific seminars „voice body expression“

I also read a lot in philosophy, which I love just as much as my father (we are both very attached to Stoicism), and I enjoy discovering, exploring, researching, observing myself, learning…..and so it never stops and one always remains in mental motion and action. So, …. always stay curious and inquisitive, because that keeps you young and mentally agile.

My favorite books about stoicism

I love the conversations with wonderful philosopher and journalist Sylvie-Sophie Schindler on her YouTube channel „DAS GRETCHEN“. It’s an exciting way to discuss topics together – philosophising – wonderful. I have already been allowed to be there twice as a discussion partner.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow – about the essence of time
Sandrina Sedona ist GRETCHENS GAST #60
<– click here

the Interview is in german language

GRETCHEN`S GAST – wunderbarer Youtubekanal

Staying true to yourself
why and how?
// Sandrina Sedona ist GRETCHENS GAST #3
<– click here

the Interview is in german language

GRETCHEN`S GAST – ein wunderbarer Youtubekanal

And something else new came to me….I bought a Seaboard. No, it’s not a surfboard, but a keyboard with a silicone keyboard, with which I can finally play the guitar solos I hear in my head and can play and make them audible. However, I have to practise a lot 🙂 Two years ago, my birthday guests gave me the money as a collector’s gift, but then I was undecided for so long which model I should buy, until there were none of these things left to buy. By good luck,
I found two small Seaboards on Ebay and made a big one out of them.


For my new single, which will finally be released in January, I had to go deep into video editing. Another big barrel that I opened, but it doesn’t help…in between I lose my patience, but it will get done…. There’s strength in calm, ….

Videocut for my new single „Snowpearls and rainflakes“

8. Sound Of Sedona Records

artists & releases on my label

Originally I started my label „Sound of Sedona records“ just for my favourite artist and gave her a so-called „record contract“ (as it used to be called) for an unlimited period of time. Her name is Sandrina Sedona. Hihi….I discovered her very early and then signed her right away. ….

but….. in the meantime there are also other artists on my small, but fine label. For example „Frau Bogdahn & die Profis“. We have released two wonderful children’s album that are very modern and appealing and really fun. („Tiger Tobi Tanz“ and „Kuh, auch Du“.) If things go well, a title from the first album will get a bigger play. More will not be revealed yet.

Then there is Thomas Henzen, an experimental composer and drummer who has released a very nice avant-garde album entitled „Raumzeit“ on Sound of Sedona.
Another album is in the making.

On one of my birthdays, I asked my musician guests to cover one of my own songs as a present for me. I promised to release the song I liked best. And the race was won by the fantastic version of Patrick Granado,, who re-arranged my song „Hearts on fire“ in halftime and conjured a James Bond-style work out of it with his incredible voice.

Recently, no less a person than my long-time friend Lisa Fitz entrusted her song „Deutschland Quo Vadis“ to my label, which I am very proud of.

By the way, I also offer service and advice for publishing beginners, Gema newbies, ….I explain how to register and manage the titles, how to publish digitally, how to press a CD.(or I do it for you). I also do the exemption orders, take care of the pressing plant and much more…. if you are interested, just ask.

Now I have to step on the gas again with the release of my favourite artist…..what’s her name again? …. oh yes… ..Sandrina Sedona 🙂 there will be a few older albums online soon, but first and foremost the new album Watersongs (….. good thing took a lot of time this time) . The next one is already in the making. So let`s go …. there is a lot to do…

My own releases – Watersongs will come soon – I promise
Artists of my „Sound of Sedona“-Label:
Frau Bogdahn & die Profis, Lisa Fitz, Patrick Granado, Thomas Henzen

Free time

there was something else …..

Oops, yes,…. there was something else…..the free time 🙂 Well, ….when your job is your life and music is what you enjoy most, the boundaries between job and free time become blurred. But there are still activities that have almost nothing to do with music and that I enjoy very much.

I like to spend my „free time“ with my dear friends who surround me and with my father. Especially during my 6 years in England, the priceless value of long-term friendships became even clearer to me, or rather, even more perceptible. Life is always about meeting people!
That is the most precious thing.

I love to go hiking, as I said before, especially on the German Way of St. James, always looking for the blue shell along the way. I also like the mountains, but I like the sea even more. But I often paddle a SUP or a kayak, and my highlight in the summer is always renting an electric boat on Lake Starnberg and spending as much time as possible on it. Of course with good music, lots of snacks and a swimming ladder on the boat. I’ve been doing this since I was a little kid. I mean, my father used to do this with me, and I still love it. The boat that we used to rent when I was a child, still exists: It is called: Moby Dick.

mini Sandrina & big Sandrina – some things never change…

After my summer workshops I usually treat myself to a 3 week holiday in Italia and if I can, several times a year. I usually stay in the same place because I like it best there, but that remains a secret 🙂 …leisure time was also to go to Stonehenge every year at solstice (summer and winter). I used to live around the corner. That is always an experience. I love to watch films and invite someone over for a film evening and a meal. I love to get completely involved in another world for 2 hours (talking in between is therefore not allowed).

Boat-riding lake Starnberg, Jakobsweg with Katrina, in the forest,
summerholiday with bass, dinner at the beach, sunset at Olympic stadion
my beloved stonehenge. When I lived arund the corner in UK, I was there, twice a year for solstice. I really miss that now.
spontaneous short camping-holiday with with Margit in Italy

Mother’s Day was special this time,because I really spent it with my mother….. in nature. Even when she goes for a walk, she is always perfectly styled and still looks great at the age of 80. She was a model by profession. Below you can see a few pictures from that time.

Mother`s day in nature
my mother as model and mannequin

What else do I do in my free time? Yoga, swimming, reading, but hmmmm…when I think about it, I notice that even in my free time, my creative mind is always switched to „ON“. Whether it’s when I take beautiful photos that I then use for business, or invent a new melody inspired by nature, or when I take notes while watching a film because I get ideas…that’s where the boundary starts to blur and well, let’s put it this way …..who loves his job….there is ALL leisure and ALL job. Everything is ONE. Wonderful. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, but….I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

in my composer-house by the river ISAR, at lake Garda, wavedancing at Olympicpark, YOGA, good food, labyrith-walk, Stand Up Paddel on the lake

Well … and then there are the countless parties that I love to host in my beautiful location on the rooftops of the city.. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been possible as often as usual in the last two years, but whenever it was possible, we celebrated. Especially at my courses and on my birthday, not to forget the revival parties after the workshops. I can always think of reasons to celebrate. Once the reason was: to make sure I didn’t accidentally celebrate too little.
Reason enough 🙂

my famous Rooftop-Parties with sunset, jamming and dancing

10. development

Sandrina 5.0 and why updates are jerky

Although nowadays the comparison with a computer system is not so funny anymore…
I don´t want to say more about it, …just listen to my song on spotify:
Don`t trust the machine

But…you can draw metaphorical parallels between a freshly installed computer update and the so-called mental update, in the sense of experience, knowledge, development ….. As with a computer, the new update does not work as one was used to, and the user interface also changes over time (ahem, …. one does not age entirely without changes). Well, …and sometimes it jerks and you would like to have your old system back. It always takes a while until you accept the new version and until it runs „smoothly“ without bugs

That’s why I like to say:
„I am a constant work in progress“.

as we grow and become wiser (hopefully) and the brain and heart is updating automatically. It takes time to get used when a new update is in place

11. plans

what I have planned for 2022

Oh my….that would go completely beyond the scope of this article, but I assure you, as always, there is an infinite amount. Whether you really do EVERYTHING is not so important. The outlook on it and keeping the visions of dreams alive is much more important. In this sense: DREAM ON and DREAM BIG.

ALOHA Sandrina

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..SMILE…`s work in progress……

smile….and have a delicious drink and enjoy life as best you can….despite
everything ….or just because of it